Saturday, 12 April 2014

Project Update 1 of 2

So here's a small selection of what I've been working on over the past term on my current project at uni....

Bezels - setting a coloured stone in copper and a bottle top ring in brass, I've also learnt how to polish my pieces to a high shine which I absolutely love (although it doesnt come through so well on my camera!)

Experimentation with materials - threading popped balloons through pierced holes in copper, I thought the shape and texture of the tied ends of the balloons was similar to some of the textures found in coral /// Sandcasting - using the pewter alloy metal to capture materials (clockwise from top, knitted wool, bottle top, knitted thread, pearly beads, knitted thread with beads, paper clips)
Some sketchbook pages showing ideas.

Next post to follow includes my further developed pieces and ideas...

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